Noise Reduction in Workplaces

One of the biggest advantages of Asseco CEIT in the field of noise reduction in the workplace is that we look at noise in the workplace comprehensively and with an emphasis on detecting and analysing the majority of noise sources. Our studies do not end with the measurement of “unacceptable” values that exceed the hygienic values of noise, but with a detailed analysis of the acoustic field and with engineering proposals on how to attenuate of individual frequencies.
We translate many years of experience with the development of quiet and super-quiet products into noise reduction in the workplace. We guarantee quiet operation below standard values.

Our expertise covers:
- Noise measurement of the work and production environment
- Graphic processing of noise maps of workplaces – complex noise maps in various operating modes of equipment
- Identification of dominant sources of noise in the workplace, recording of acoustic changes in the condition of machines
- Proposals for anti – noise measures
- Proposals for acoustic modifications to reduce the noise of machines and equipment, engineering design of anti-noise measures, creation of concepts
- Recommendations for noise reduction during maintenance
- Prediction of noise in the work environment
- Prediction of noise propagation before and after the implementation of anti-noise measures
- Implementation of soundproofing for production machines and equipment
- Structural design and comprehensive project implementation
- Modification of the machine construction, application of acoustically-absorbing materials to a suitable place
- Individual approach to each facility, project
Analysis and Optimization of Product Noise
Asseco CEIT offers declarative and technical measurements of equipment and products as well as the identification of the source of individual components of sound using acoustic holography and the subsequent assignment of the share of the total noise of the equipment. We also evaluate the psychoacoustic as well as vibrational properties of the product. Based on measurements and analyses, appropriate measures are proposed so that the total declared noise is optimal for long-term use.
- Less noise and product vibration means an advantage in a competitive environment.
- The source of individual components of noise is identified
- Improvements of the vibro-acoustic parameters without adversely affecting functionality and price are proposed
- Noise and vibration optimization puts the product ahead of the competition
Our expertise lies in the following areas:
- Sound pressure and power measurement (EN ISO 3744, EN60704-1, IEC 60704-2-4)
- Psychoacoustics – measuring sound quality and human perception
- Identification of sources of individual noise components
- Measurement of acoustic properties of materials
- Measurement of vibrations by contact and contactless method
- Optimization of acoustic properties
- Simulation of the impact of the proposed changes on the product
- Verification of products in various operating states
- Proposal for the implementation of changes