Asseco CEIT AGV Systems AGV configurator Configure your AGV device AGV Type Load capacity Motion type Lift height Navigation type Safety Summary Nastala chyba. Prosím, skúste to ešte raz. Správa bola úspešne odoslaná. AGV Type Under-run AGV Ideal for automating the transport of materials over varying distances in space-constrained environments. The material is placed directly on the mobile robot. Wide scalability with regard to customer specific requirements. Suitable, among other things, for direct transport of material from the warehouse to the robotic workstations. Forklift AGV Developed primarily for handling and transporting pallets of various types on fork lift equipment. Variable use according to the customer's needs with the possibility of material handling within a small zone from and to the robotic workstation, but also within warehouses and transport of pallets over long distances. Tugger AGV The AGV towing type represents mobile robots designed for transporting large quantities of material, especially over longer distances. Standard trolleys used in manual transport as well as various peripherals can be used for transport, which can be adapted to the customer's needs and their connection/disconnection is automated if necessary. Also worth mentioning is the wide range of towing capacities with a maximum of up to 8 tonnes. Load capacity Up to 1000 kg Up to 2000 kg Up to 3200 kg Up to 800 kg Up to 1300 kg Up to 3000 kg Up to 8000 kg Up to 1500 kg Motion type Forward Allows the AGV to move forward. Forward/reverse/rotate on the spot It allows the AGV to move forward, backward and, in the case of most robots, to rotate on the spot. All-directional Allows the AGV to move in all directions and rotate on the spot. Forward/reverse/rotate on the spot It allows the AGV to move forward, backward and, in the case of most robots, to rotate on the spot. Forward Allows forward movement of the AGV (with the option of purchasing a reversing module for material attachment needs). Lift height Without lift Up to 60 mm Up to 130 mm Up to 300 mm Up to 1500 mm Up to 4000 mm Without lift Navigation type Contour Contour navigation primarily uses natural features of the environment for orientation with the ability to achieve, depending on the environment, an accuracy of up to +/- 10 mm without the need for additional sensory components. In case of lack of natural contours, it is possible to add artificial landmarks - contours and/or reflectors. Magnetic The path of the device is defined by the magnetic tape. RFID tags are used as landmarks that can define different types of operations. The advantages of this type of navigation are cost, simplicity and a clearly visible AGV trajectory. Safety In front 180° safety scanner located at the front. At the front and rear 180° safety scanner located at the front and rear Complete 360° Two 270° security scanners providing full 360° security. For more information about our AGV equipment, please fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible. First name * Last Name * E-mail * Phone * Company* Job position* Your message I agree to the processing of provided personal data for the purpose of receiving the newsletter, offers of events and webinars. Before providing my personal data i was informed of the processing of the personal data * I agree to the processing of the provided personal data for the purpose of a personal contact by a salesperson. Before providing my personal data i was informed of the processing of the personal data Send Selected parameters of your AGV: